I will no longer be posting at GAPS for T2 but instead at Deductive Seasoning, a blog about cooking, diabetes, disability, fatigue, homesteading, nutrition, science and anything else that strikes me as interesting to write about.
I have always enjoyed BBSs, Usenet, IRC, web discussion forums and lately Facebook, because I like the give-and-take in chatting with other folks.
However, sometimes it gets a bit tiresome to explain the same thing in one conversation after another and I always thought it'd be handy to have a blog to post so I could write something once, and then provide a link whenever the topic came up again.
And also to save my wisdom for all posterity. ;)
Though I liked the idea of a blog, for years, I never got around to starting one. Every topic I was interested in discussing was blogged about elsewhere. I commented on those blogs and joined the conversation, but never started my own because someone else was already blogging my interests.
When I decided to try GAPS to treat T2 diabetes, I could find little information on the idea. And since it was a unique topic, I decided it was worth starting a blog about and hence GAPS for T2 was born with the idea of documenting my experience.
Unfortunately, I had a bad adrenal crash during the introductory phase of GAPS. Though I'd long since weaned off of hydrocortisone, I got very ill and had to go back on it. I do not know if this was caused by GAPS or coincidental. I know Val from the adrenals group who advised me the first time I treated my adrenals always said detox was hard on the adrenals. I don't know how she defined "detox", which can be a complex subject, nor what research caused her to come to that conclusion. But I do know GAPS claims to cause detox, so I have some reason to suspect GAPS might not be suitable for me.
A few months after the crash and off of GAPS, I suddenly had a lot of energy; most of my fatigue had simply evaporated. In spring of 2013, I was doing 4-5 hours of yard work a day, including mowing the lawn! On top of my normal day-to-day cooking, I was doing big batch cooking and managed to put about a hundred home-cooked meals in my freezer. I was job-hunting for a part-time job. Things were great!
And then it went away. I've no idea why. I didn't get sick like when I had the adrenal crash, just the energy gradually faded until I was back to my normal level of disability. This was pretty discouraging.
I was discouraged not only about my health, but about blogging. I still had ideas I wanted to discuss, but most of them had nothing to do with either GAPS or diabetes. Occasionally, I HAD to spew, and thus my GAPS blog ended up with posts documenting how we raised chickens and my basic notion of what a healthy diet is.
I really didn't think I'd go back on GAPS because the improvement I saw was post-GAPS. So whatever went right for me had nothing to do with GAPS at all. But I kept thinking maybe I would get back to blogging eventually.
Recently, Amanda from Fresh Bites Daily discussed the idea of me doing a guest post for her blog as she and Jeanie like me, which is pretty kewl cause I am a big fan of theirs.
Well, the strangest thing happened, I spewed out PILES of posts. Apparently, all it took for me to become interested in writing was for it to not have to be about GAPS and diabetes. Amanda's encouragement that I write again got me thinking that I still have a lot to say, so I need a blog of my own that does not have such a restrictive topic.
I momentarily considered again about my concern about having a unique topic, but I wound up deciding I did not need a unique topic, because I have a unique voice. I'm the only me that there is (and some people think that's more than enough!)
Having decided I wanted a new blog, I spent many hours trying out names, searching a thesaurus, inventing alliterative phrases, and combing sites with science and cooking puns. I came up with many mediocre names for my new blog. In discussion with the sexy Canadian who lives here, he came up with the utterly brilliant Deductive Seasoning in about two minutes.
A blog is born with bites from a backwoods biochemist
(that's me, the chick in the apron and labcoat).
I've copied many of my old posts over, with some minor editing to a few to make them less GAPS-oriented, but keeping the original dates so all the relative links would still work.
Those who want to see the originals and or read about my GAPS experiment are welcome to visit GAPS for T2 and those who want to follow my new musings are welcome at Deductive Seasoning.
Welcome to my new blog!